Sunday 6 September 2015

Naked Bikes

A standard or naked motorcycle is one combining an upright riding position, handlebar and footpegs positioned for comfort, and usually but not always without fairing or windscreen.
Also called  roadsters are versatile, general purpose street motorcycles.They are recognized primarily by their upright riding position, partway between the reclining rider posture of the cruisers and the forward leaning sport bikes. Footpegs are below the rider and handlebars are high enough to not force the rider to reach far forward, placing the shoulders above the hips in a natural position. Because of their flexibility, lower costs and their engines of moderate output, standards are particularly suited to motorcycle beginners

Standards usually do not come with fairings or windscreens, or if they have them, they are relatively small. Standard is often a synonym for naked bike, a term that became popular in the 1990s in response to the proliferation of fully faired sport bikes. The standard seemed to have disappeared, fueling nostalgia for the return of the Universal Japanese motorcycle (UJM),which were admired for their simplicity, quality, and versatility.
Muscle bike is a nickname for a motorcycle type, derived from either a standard or sport bike design, that puts a disproportionately high priority on engine power. Roadster is an older term, equivalent to standard or naked.

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